Parking Problems

It has come to my attention that some parents/carers are parking dangerously outside school. This is a particular problem at the back of school (opposite Proper Job). The message from the children of St. Benedict’s is clear…
It may be more convenient for you, or save you finding a space somewhere else, but you are risking lives if your car obscures a crossing place. Please do not park on yellow lines, even if just for a few minutes.
Also, could you please not leave your engines running whilst waiting by the school. Children are particularly affected by air pollution as their lungs are still developing and it can increase their risk of a range of long-term issues including asthma.
I’m sure we all share the same hopes for the children in that they are able to live happy and healthy lives, and small steps like turning your engine off will have that positive effect of improving air quality. Thank you in advance for your co-operation.