Performance at St Benedict’s
“The secret of passion is purpose.” Robin Sharma
At St Benedict’s we are passionate about performance and we believe that many of our pupils thrive when they are performing. We therefore create many opportunities for children to express themselves through the medium of dance, acting, song or music. We have a very popular Choir, Glee Club and Drama Club who perform regularly, as well as a Whole School Production Club who put on a musical each summer, a Nativity Play performed by all our Year 3 children and a Leavers’ Play for all our Year 6 children, and often a Summer Music concert for all those who learn to play an instrument and wish to perform. In addition to this, we perform as a whole school at events such as Harvest festival and our Christmas Carol Service.
We are very proud of our broad curriculum and we feel that performances are excellent opportunities to showcase the pride we take in teaching our pupils expressive skills. We believe that encouraging our children to pursue interests and passions will help to broaden their concept of success and to maintain good levels of wellbeing and positive mental health, not just at St. Benedict’s but throughout their lives.
In a typical year, our opportunities for performance include:
Autumn Term:
Harvest Festival featuring the whole school and the choir,
visits to local Care Homes by Choir and/or Glee Club,
Nativity Play featuring all of Year 3,
Christmas Carol Service featuring the whole school as well as Choir,
Glee Club, Drama Club and Recorders,
Drama Club End of Term Performance to parents,
Staff pantomime (Oh no it isn’t!)
Spring Term:
Easter celebration featuring the whole school,
Drama Club End of Term Performance to parents,
visits to local Care Homes by Choir and/or Glee Club.
Summer Term:
School Production Club performance of a musical show featuring between 30 and 50 of our children,
Talent Show,
Year 6 Leavers’ Play featuring all of Year 6,
End of year Music Concert featuring Choir, Glee Club, instrumentalists and solo singers,
BenFest featuring winners of our Talent Show and other talented children and parents,
Drama Club End of Term Performance to parents,
visits to local Care Homes by Choir and/or Glee Club,
… and many other informal opportunities within or classrooms!
A number of our children who receive private music lessons in school also prepare for and take graded music exams.

Mrs Coton.