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Skills Progression


Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Play and Perform

  1. Sing in tune.
  2. Perform simple melodic and rhythmic parts.
  3. Improvise repeated patterns on body percussion and orchestral percussion instruments.
  4.  Understand the importance of pronouncing the words in a song well.
  5. Start to show control in voice. Perform with confidence.
  6. Hold a part in a round
  7. I can perform as an ensemble and a soloist with confidence


  1. Sing in tune with awareness of others.
  2. Sing songs from memory with accurate pitch. Maintain a simple part within a group.
  3. Understand the importance of pronouncing the words in a song well.
  4. Show control in voice.
  5. Play notes on instruments with care so they sound clear.
  6. Perform with control and awareness of what others in the group are singing or playing.
  7. Perform songs in a way that reflects their meaning and the occasion.
  8. Breathe well and pronounce words, change pitch and show control in singing.
  9. Perform songs with an awareness of the meaning of the words.
  1. Whilst performing by ear and from notations, I maintain my own parts with awareness of how the different parts fit together and the need to achieve an overall effect.
  2. Sustain a drone or melodic ostinato to accompany singing. Play an accompaniment on an instrument (e.g. glockenspiel, bass drum or cymbal).
  1. Perform significant parts from memory and from notations with awareness of my own contribution. Refine and improve my own work.
  2. Sing or play from memory with confidence, expressively and in tune. Perform alone and in a group, displaying a variety of techniques. Take turns to lead a group.
  3. Sing a harmony part confidently and accurately.


Improvise and compare

  1. Invent my own musical motifs and structure them into a piece
  2. I can create my own piece of music using instruments and voice
  3. I can create my own dance
  4. I can create rhythmic ostinatos and structure them into a piece


  1. Compose music that combines several layers of sound.
  2. Awareness of the effect of several layers of sound. compose and perform melodies and songs.
  3. Use sound to create abstract effects.
  4. Recognise and create repeated patterns with a range of instruments. Create accompaniments for tunes.
  5. Carefully choose order, combine and control sounds with awareness of their combined effect
  1. Use the venue and sense of occasion to create performances that are well appreciated by the audience.
  2. Compose by developing ideas within musical structures. Improvise melodic and rhythmic phases as part of a group performance.
  3. Improvise within a group.
  1. Improvise melodic and rhythmic material within given structures.
  2. Show thoughtfulness in selecting sounds and structures to convey an idea.
  3. Create my own musical patterns.
  4. Use a variety of different musical devices including melody, rhythms, and chords.

Listen with attention to detail and recall sounds

  1. To notice and explore the way sounds can be combined and used expressively.
  2. Listen to different types of composers and musicians.





  1. To notice, analyse and explore the way sounds can be combined and used expressively.
  2. To comment on musicians use of technique to create effect.
  1. Notice and explore the relationship between sounds.
  2. Notice and explore how music reflects different intentions
  1. Notice, comment on and compare the use of musical devices.
  2. Notice, comment on and compare the relationship between sounds.
  3. Notice, comment on, compare and explore how music reflects different intentions.

Use and understand staff and other musical notation

  1. I can use musical language appropriate to the task
  2. I can begin to use simple notation


  1. Know and use standard musical notation of crotchet, minim and semibreve.
  2. To indicate how many beats to play.
  3. Read the musical stave and can work out the notes, EGBDF and FACE.
  4. Draw a treble clef at the correct position on the stave.
  5. I can learn to read music during recorder lessons
  6. I can use staff and musical notation when composing work
  7. I know how many beats are I a crotchet, minim and semibreve and I recognise their symbols
  8. I know the symbol for  understand the  use silence for effect in my music
  1. Use of a variety of notation when performing and composing.
  2. Compose music for different occasions appropriate musical devises.
  3. Quickly read notes and know how many beats they represent.
  4. Use a range of words to help describe music.  (e.g. pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, and silence.
  5. Describe music using musical words and use this to identify strengths and weaknesses in music

Appreciate and understand a wide range of live and recorded music

  1. Begin to recognise and identify instruments being played.
  2. Comment on likes and dislikes.
  3. Recognise how musical elements can be used together to compose music.
  1. Begin to recognise and identify instruments and numbers of instruments and voices being played.
  2. Compare music and express growing tastes in music.
  3. Explain how musical elements can be used together to compose music.
  1. Compare and evaluate different kinds of music using appropriate musical vocabulary.
  2. Explain and evaluate how musical elements, features and styles can be used together to compose music.
  1. Analyse and compare musical features choosing appropriate musical vocabulary.
  2. Explain and evaluate how musical elements, features and styles can be used together to compose music.

Develop an understanding of the history of music

  1. Describe the different purposes of music throughout history and in other cultures.
  2. Understand that the sense of occasion affects the performance
  1. Understand that the sense of occasion affects the performance.
  1. Understand the different cultural meanings and purposes of music, including contemporary culture. Use different venues and occasions to vary my performances
  1. Notice and explore how music reflects time, place and culture.
  2. Understand and express opinions on the different cultural meanings and purposes of music, including contemporary culture
  3. Use different venues and occasions to vary my performances.